Kolm juhtimispraktikat Räniorust Jüri Ratase näitelRänioru parimate praktikate kohalt on varajase faasi ettevõtte (ehk idufirma) juhil kolm peamist ülesannet.Oct 12, 2021Oct 12, 2021
A marketer’s take on getting 100% of people vaccinatedSo it seems 20–40% of people don’t want to get vaccinated. They should have let a marketer do this. I’d have started from the ILLEGAL…Jan 10, 2021Jan 10, 2021
Email Design Lessons, Inspired by the Very Best Growth MarketersWhat happens when you attend an online event and opt in for receiving emails from the growth heavyweights: Drift, Segment, Amplitude, etc?May 15, 2020May 15, 2020
5 marketing trends for 2020 by a grumpy martech CEOLet’s first establish that the most important word in the headline was “grumpy”. I’m 41, so I’ve long ago stopped chasing after the new…Jan 2, 20202Jan 2, 20202
Published inThe StartupHow to hire the first marketer for your startupI’ve built 3 marketing teams, hired more than 30 marketers, made a couple of colossal hiring mistakes, been hired as the first marketer in…Apr 30, 2019Apr 30, 2019
Kõigi Eesti. Ka nende Eesti, kellele ei meeldi #kõigieesti. Aga siin on kaks aga.Sel ajal, kui ma sisimalt rõõmustades vaatasin, kuidas eikuskilt tekkis positiivne #kõigieesti liikumine, maadlesin ma sisimas faktiga, et…Mar 26, 2019Mar 26, 2019
Published inHackerNoon.comCan you validate a startup idea “by the book”? Here’s how Outfunnel got startedIt’s September 2017. I’ve just quit my rather exciting job as head of marketing for Pipedrive, a sales CRM. I have a rather vague idea of…Dec 3, 2018Dec 3, 2018
Behind the scenes: how we at Outfunnel automate marketing (spending $50 or so per month)One morning last week a demo was scheduled in my diary with someone who looked like it could be a new Outfunnel trial user. I didn’t…Oct 31, 2018Oct 31, 2018
Why build another marketing automation tool?This is one reasonable question. More than 2500 new marketing tools were created in 2017 alone. We’ve gone from many marketing tools to an…May 25, 2018May 25, 2018
Published inHackerNoon.comA no-BS marketing framework for startups that is so simple even marketers can use it“It seems we have product-market fit. What marketing channels should we invest in?”Mar 13, 2018Mar 13, 2018